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Cancellation policy. We give clients as much flexibility as possible and with more than 24 hours notice do our best to offer an alternative for the week (such as an alternative time, or a remote session). However with less than 24 hours notice, or non-attendance, we will charge the full rate. Should there be any developing pattern of cancellation then we will seek to pause and review any barriers to taking part in therapy at that time and form a helpful plan together with the family.


Confidentiality: UsefulPsychology will share appropriate information with key professionals; we will also talk about cases within supervision.  Data is kept on Microsoft One Drive and on an online system called WriteUpp which is ISO27001 certified practice management software for therapists and is GDPR ready.


Safeguarding: We understand our statutory responsibility to share any safeguarding concerns we may have with the council. We will always let the parents know that we are informing the local authority. We take regular training in safeguarding with Our Safeguarding Children Partnership for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (OSCP). We are registered with the Disclosure and Barring Service.


Diversity: Coming from a neuro divergent and LGBTQ household, we are very pro diversity in all its forms.  Please feel comfortable to share your preferred identity with your practitioner knowing that they will take your preferences seriously. We embrace the Social GRACES (John Burham)  and understand the power dynamics which can come into play and can inform our therapeutic journey and are eager to explore these with you.


Complaints/Feedback/Concerns: We understand that things may not always go the way you may have expected. We work with change, and sometimes change can be uncomfortable, challenging or inadvertently offend.  We welcome feedback in any shape or form and work to develop a relationship with you where feedback is embraced.  Should you have any feedback or concerns about UsefulPsychology or it’s offer, we would invite you, in the first instance to talk to your practitioner who will work with you to remedy the issue. If you feel this is inappropriate, please contact another practitioner at UsefulPsychology who will act as arbitrator for your concern. Once we receive a complaint, we will get back to you within 1 week to gather more details about your concerns and any solutions you may have in mind. We will then gather more information and come up with a way forward which we will share with you. This process will continue until you feel the matter is settled or we/you feel that the issue should be escalated to your lead professional. If you feel this is not an appropriate channel to voice your concern, or you have a serious safeguarding concern, please talk immediately to your lead professional who will pursue the complaint on your behalf.  Ultimately, for serious safeguarding concerns, you can contact the LADO: Allegations against people who work with children - Cornwall Council

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